Monday’s suck. Can’t say much about it as it would be in violation of my contract, but I can tell you this - mondays during holidays when two of your collegues are on vacation suck. Enough said. I saw a CBA (Chinese Basketball Association) game last night - Beijing versus Army. Army won - you just can’t compete with the PLA…
Time for a general update… It is Friday, the week before Christmas. While I am not religious, I do enjoy the holiday. I have the pleasure to celebrate this holiday here in lovely Beijing. As a Christmas gift from myself to myself, I am buying a new ChangJiang motorcycle. Have a look at for more information and links. I have been in the process of buying one for the past month or so it is just about ready, according to the guy building it, just waiting for the legal stuff to be taken care of.
I had turkey for dinner last night with a few of my good friends. mmmm
Happy Turkey Day
I probably won’t have turkey today, maybe…. lamb on a stick?
My thoughts on Thanksgiving: (censored 20031128 1357) Thanksgiving is a day in which we celebrate the *********** of an un-determined number of *************** ****** for the benefit of the ********-pilgrims who settled in North America so long ago. It was these ****** ********* who, being the extremely hospitable (not *******, mind you) people that they were, provided these hungry ********-pilgrims food and supplies. The ******* ********* thought that these “**[********]********* *******” were a ****** to their well-being and decided to ********* them before they would be ******* ***** in some sort of ***** *********** ceremony.
Greetings all! I have 3 more sections of photos in the Beijing 2003 album. Also, some photos of the engine for my new bike in the Motorbike section. Enjoy!