Today was probably the least productive day ever - one of our switches was down for about 4 or so hours. Yeah, so, I, like many others, cleaned our desks. Saturday I got my bike fixed - 3 hours of work, turned out to be a dented engine seal causing oil to leak into the clutch compartment. Also had a few bolts replaced, and a new front wheel. Following that we went to the World Carnival.
Flawed Weather Reports A conversation with Ms. Jane: Chris: CNN’s weather forecast is now only calling for partly cloudy conditions all weekend Ms. Jane: CNN? Ms. Jane: god Ms. Jane: i dun trust CNN Chris: their weather is provided by accuweather Chris: yahoo (which isn’t even a proper news gathering organization) says thunderstorms on sat Chris: of course, yahoo CLAIMS weather is mostly sunny today Chris: what kind of crap is that?
Unlike the usual dry, hot summer days in Beijing, today, and much of the past 2 or 3 weeks have been wet, humid, sticky, muggy, and (insert adjective here describing crappy wet, humid, sticky, and muggy weather). It seems like Hong Kong weather (although a few degrees cooler, thankfully). My bike is having issues. Yesterday on the way to work, it stalled and couldn’t restart. I ditched it on the sidewalk and went to work (late).
Last night we went to the weekly pop quiz event at the John Bull Pub, an English pub serving many non-English beers. Our team, consisting of:
5 Singaporeans 2 Canadians 2 Germans 1.5 Americans* 1 Malaysian 1 French .5 Scottish* [* The guy (Sashi)with .5 citizenship holds dual citizenship, yes yes yes, Scotland is part of the UK, thank you] A bit heavy on the Singaporean side, right? Yep. That helped us in one of the 6 rounds where one question (worth 1 point out of 10) asked who the current Prime Minister of Singapore was.
It’s Tuesday. The hard part of the week is over - Monday. Yay. Since my GMail announcement a few days ago, I have 1 (one) invitation left. Tonight I will be going to a popquiz event at the John Bull Pub. I’ll let you know how it went, I imagine our team will win now that I am on board. :-) (yeah, we’ll see, I do have a vast repository of odd trivia, you know…) My bike seems to have a clutch problem - at high RPMs the clutch seems to be slipping, causing the bike to not speed up.
Are my eyes Green or Blue? Ms. Jane and I had a conversation about whether my eyes are green or blue - she thinks I have blue eyes which matches my eye glass frames. I think (err, know) that I have green. Here is bits of the conversation: talking about my new glasses Ms. Jane: l like them! Ms. Jane: it goes with the colour of ur eyes Chris: my eyes are green!