So, apparently my boss, girlfriend, and other friends are right. I have a posture problem: Documented Evidence (Thanks Wee-Lim)
Had a decent weekend. Quite relaxing, except for the 2 hours I was in the office on Saturday, but I won’t go into that. Had some much needed (small) repairs done on the bike - new rear brakes, new speedometer, fixed blinkers, fixed sidecar running light, new back tire, etc… nothing major. Sunday Ali and I went for a drive in the city, which can be quite mentally draining due to the sheer number of cars on the road and the (lack of) quality of the other drivers.
Since switching my hosting, I noticed my email account is broken. Use my GMail account. I use GoDaddy for my domain hosting, but the dang “Total DNS” control isn’t as easy to use as it should. It turns out I didn’t set up the MX record properly to enable Email forwarding - I want my mail to forward to my GMail account. I think I fixed it….
I added a Random Photo thingy on the right side of the Website. It uses a Movabletype plugin, but unfortunately, it only updates the image when the whole site is rebuilt - which only happens when I am actually working on it. I am going to looking for a php extension for Gallery.. If you know of one, let me know.
Hey, do you remember the parking ticket I got back in March?
Well, I paid it. I went to pay it on Saturday with Melanie. She told me that a few people have told her that you could pay the fine at any bank. So, we went to the bank. They told us we couldn’t pay the fine at the bank unless we had the fine card - which is kind of like an electronic cash card - smart chip or something.
I have transfered the DNS for to the new server, so it should be functioning everywhere within the next 24-48 hours. Yay. So far, I only have the Photo Gallery up, all the other subpages, like About Me, CJ, etc… are not up yet - don’t worry, I will put them up soon.