Busy Busy Busy

For the past week to 2 weeks, I haven’t spent much time at my desk during the official 9-6 work day. For much of the time, I have been in a meeting room… discussing… Last night, I was in a meeting room until ~1am. I tried to get up at 6:30 this morning so I could get to work to get some stuff done, but my body said no. I think I’ll try it tomorrow.


I received my **Absentee Balloting Material** in the mail on Monday. (It was post marked October 6, so it took a good ~11 days to arrive.) Kind of interesting voting from China. I just sent it today, been really busy this past 2 weeks or so. Busy today, so short post.


Its Friday morning, I arrived at the office at 7am to meet with two collegues to make a conference call to another country. Are they here? no. So I searched the web a bit. * **Google** has [Desktop Search](http://desktop.google.com) now! (beta) Still waiting for the dang thing to finish indexing my comptuer files.. ![Google Desktop Search](http://old.cdrum.com/archives/googledesktop1.gif) * I still want one of [these](http://www.apple.com/powerbook/index12.html) and one of [these](http://www.apple.com/ipod/). I accept Paypal donations [here](http://www.

National Day Holiday - Part 3 - Weihai

The 4 hour bus ride from Qingdao to Weihai was not bad at all. It was a clean bus, had an attendant that provided hot water / tea and a bag of snacks. I am pretty impressed, actually. When we arrived at the long distance bus station in Weihai, I thought this city is going to be boring. First of all, it is supposed to be a coastal city. I didn’t see any water.

National Day Holiday - Part 2 - Qingdao

I flew to Qingdao (a city in Shandong Province on the east coast of China; home of Tsingtao Beer) on Monday morning, October 1, 2004. Melanie flew in the night before with another friend from Shanghai (she was in Shanghai for a week to attend the F1 race). I took the airport shuttle into the city. On the way from the airport, I noticed a few things: * Qingdao has a fairly large Korean population.