Mondays Shmundays

Another Monday, just 12 days until I depart for sunny Singapore. Boy, am I looking forward to that! Just started watching a miniseries called “Long Way Round” ([IMDB]( ([Amazon UK]( It’s a must see. These guys take a 3 month+ motorcycle trip from London east to New York. Pretty cool… My friend from the US sent me [this like]( its basically a HOWTO on using comic strips to teach English, and use the results for entertainment purposes.


Sorry I have been neglecting the website lately… been really busy at work - which I guess is good in some sences. **Brief news** - I have an electrical short somewhere in my apartment, which renders about half of my outlets useless until i can find the time to sit and watch the repair man locate it. They claim it will take 2 hours. We’ll see. - My new toys are running well (that is, when I have power in the house, so, yes, the [Apple](http://www.

Been a while....

Yes, I am alive. Just busy. Will try to get a decent post up this weekend. On the agenda: - Christmas - New Years - Trip to Hong Kong - New Gadgets Stay tuned…

Christmas Eve Oddities

Searching my favorite websites this cold Christmas Eve early evening, I have come up with some links worth mentioning. [Comcast vs Tivo]( Well, I’m in China, so I can’t really get into this one as I have only one tv channel somewhat worth watching (some of the time). [Last Minute Gift Ideas]( Should have checked this one… kind of late myself. A quick rundown of the ideas: - **Atari**? No. - **Sandisk Photo Album**?


Gee, so I might buy a Dell. Why? Apple is too expensive. Hardware isn’t stellar. Yes, OS is very nice, but… And, I suppose I won’d be getting many second looks at startbucks, as starbucks is generally a Mac and Vaio only club…

A snowy day

Today, it snowed. The first real snow day we had here in Beijing. I have pics, will post them when I get home from work. Links I like: - [Testing Airport Security - Oops]( - [New Skype Beta]( Supposed to have voicemail support, although, the changelog doesn’t mention it.