Clutch Disc Screw - The Culprit
Originally uploaded by chrisdrum.
I posted [last week]( about the issues I had with my motorbike. Gerald came to my home on Saturday to fix it. It turns out it was this Clutch Disc screw - it was loose and was hitting the gearbox housing. Ouch. All fixed now and running real well!
Go [here]( to see pictures of the repair.
Last week, I [posted]( about how a web hosting ISP I am using is made up of a bunch of idiots who, in my opinion, don’t know what the hell they are doing. Here is proof. They replied to my email saying:
It does work:
server:/opt>ssh -l username
itunited’s password:
Last login: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.7 Generic October 1998
No mail.
Bicycle Stolen - Crime Scene
Originally uploaded by chrisdrum.
My bicycle was stolen! Outside the office! It was attached to a tree and had two locks!!! Not in the best of moods…
I looked all around. Didn’t see any evidence, except for some foot tracks….
Today, I had a possibly serious engine meltdown. My first real engine issue since purchasing the bike 1.5 years ago. And it was probably due to slightly not enough oil. We’ll see. As I started off for work this morning, the bike was not running very smooth at low speeds. As I approached the traffic light, the engine began making a loud sound that was similar to gears going the opposite direction!
Quick! Check [](! Olly posted! He mentioned me and this site, however, he provided the wrong URL to it. Ameteurs….
Wudang Monastery, Inner Mongolia
Originally uploaded by chrisdrum.
I have uploaded the photos from my weekend trip to Inner Mongolia to flickr. My friends and I took a long weekend to to go to Inner Mongolia in Northern China. We saw the Genghis Khan’s Mausoleum, the Resonant Sand Gorge, and the Wudang Monastery.
See the pictures on flickr by clicking on the photo to the right or go to my “photos” section of this site.