Ok, so it’s working today….
Technorati also seems to be blocked in China now. I ran the same test as below. Same results. Lets hope these are the result of a stupid dns break somewhere that happened to affect these sites, and I am sure, several others…
Did China block Google? Could be… Again… This sucks… Gmail works, but now Google.com. So no Calendar. Nice… Cool.. Stupid… I thought Google signed it’s soul to the CN govt. a few months ago… Google China works, but not Normal Google. Interesting… Update (dame day, a few minutes later): Using a text internet browser, Lynx, see the below results. Test 1: a China-based Linux server. Test 2: A US-based Linux server.
Beijing IKEA Photos Originally uploaded by chrisdrum.
A few of my loyal readers have complained that I haven’t been ranting lately. You want a rant, here is one. First, on with the good stuff… Sure, IKEA is great. We spent about US$100 on our first trip there last night. The new location, which opened in April, is 3 or 4 times as large? Here is a list of the positives:
Me at work Originally uploaded by chrisdrum.
This is my work space at work. Cool, huh? I’m just testing a direct to flickr and blog from my mobile phone. Technology rocks!!!
IMG_0428Originally uploaded by chrisdrum.
Over the weekend, Melanie and I hosted some friends for a 3-way. No, not *that* “3-way” you dirty person… A “3 reasons to have a party” party! 1. It was my Birthday! 2. Melanie and I finally want to have a housewarming party! 3. I have promised many of my friends for a few years now to host Thanksgiving dinner. So, here are the pics! (um… click on the dang picture to the right to go to the Flickr photo set!