Dear future Foldera user, Thank you for requesting an account with Foldera, the only free and easy-to-use web-based organizer and messaging/collaboration service. Your request is being processed, and you will be notified when your account has been created. As you know, Foldera is in the process of distributing beta account access based upon the order in which people registered. At this time we cannot give you an exact date or time for when your new credentials will be distributed since we want to be certain that everyone who has previously registered receives any support they might need to get off to a successful start.
Today is Tuesday, May 20, Beijing time. Like with every Tuesday in Beijing, I wake up and check the tech news, as we get everything a day late here - aparently geeks don’t work on weekends. Any way… Yesterday, May 19, Foldera was supposed to launch. So, today, I thought, cool! I get to try it now. But, no. Their Website is the same! Where is the sign up sheet? (I already signed up for the private beta long ago, but alas, no invitation).
Foldera Launches Highly-Anticipated Organization/Collaboration Web Service Monday, June 19 is the day! Foldera’s stock has been lacking lately - understandably so, as they haven’t actually had a dang product yet! It’s too bad that I don’t really have a use / need for Foldera - we use MS Exchange at work, personally, I use GMail, and the other Google stuff. Don’t really feel like switching, plus Foldera isn’t really consumer oriented.
I am currently (finally) transfering my motorbike (CJ750) photos over to Flickr, and modifying the links on my Motorbike page work. I just uploaded the photos I took way back in the summer of 2004 at the Guinness Book of World Records attempt at the most number of side car motorbikes together. Enjoy.
By now, you will probably notice that points to this new host. Cool. The new site is a work in progress, so if you see things that are broken, i’ll get to it.
Over the next few days, I will be migrating over to a U.S.-based hosting provider. See to see the new site being built. Eventually, I’ll move over to it.