Comment Spam

Well, I got totally fed up with comment spam on my blog. I was getting upwards to 20-30 emails a day asking me to moderate/approve a comment. 99% of those were spam. So, I installed Spam Karma 2. A word of advice - DON’T run the filters on your already approved comments. Don’t! Somehow, I originally had 98 approved comments. Now I have 280+, and of course most of them are spam.

Foldera - My First Impressions

As I said in my previous post, I received a Foldera invite last week and I think it has potential. I certainly enjoy looking around, and there are some neat features, and I am definitely interested in the features-to-come (supposed to be in a few weeks?) One thing that I like is the user interface - it isn’t busy/bogged down (like other Web 2.0 sites are becoming). Although, some added AJAX would be nice to reduce page reloads.

Foldera I Have.

I was given a Foldera account yesterday by the nice folksin CA who have stumbled upon my blog. I haven’t spent a lot of time playing with it yet, but I will this Weekend. Right now, I am letting it populate with forwarding my email. First impression: Has potential.

Update to the access speeds issue from China...

More reason for my concern about Foldera’s access speeds from China. I recently switched from Google Personalized Homepage to Netvibes, primarily because Google was slow in inovating their personalized homepage; Netvibes has some nice features. Well, Netvibes is my browser’s homepage. Part of yesterday and all of today, it has been stuck “Loading…". Over the past few weeks, I have noticed a clear slow down in responsiveness of the site. It could be due to all the RSS feeds I have on it (I also stopped using Google Reader in favor of the Netvibes site).

Foldera, will it work in China? Omnidrive is slow so I'm worried

Now that I will (hopefully) get a Foldera account (soon), I am now wondering how it will work from China. I didn’t post about this, but a few months ago, I got a beta invite to Omnidrive. Let me tell you, the speed sucked big time from China. Over the weeks, it sped up a bit, but it still is a bit slow. Well, come to think about it, I haven’t actually tried it for 2 or 3 weeks, so I’ll do a quick test in a bit.