Going (back) to the US

My October trip is confirmed. I’m leaving on the 8th, first stop is Orlando, Fl. There for a week, then swinging up to New York City for 3 days or so. Then off to Austin, TX. There for a week. Then back to Beijing. Unfortunately, I couldn’t add Seattle to this trip as I wanted to. Hopefully next time.

Back for a week, and already another holiday

It’s Friday, been back in Beijing for about a week now. Tomorrow is a work day (stupid “golden weeks”), but then I have 7 straight days of lazing around. Melanie and I decided to hang out in Beijing, pretty much to actually have a holiday. No travel, no headaches. There is a chance I am going back to Austin, TX in October. Need to confirm that. I’ll be posting photos of the Portland, OR portion of my trip (was there just last week).

Some people have all the luck

Not in the U.S. for even 24 hours, and I am involved in a traffic accident! I am fine, am out of the hospital. No broken bones. CT Scan looked fine. I was in the passenger’s seat. Head on collision (I am told), focused on the passenger side of the vehicle! Lucky Me! Indeed, lucky I had my seatbelt on and the airbags opened. I have cuts on my face (probably from glass or the airbag explosion), my left leg is brused and sweled.