Why won't people learn? Safety is important, even in China!!
First, a disclaimer: I’m no expert. There, that’s all. Several months ago, a popular outdoor rock climbing wall in Ritan Park here in Beijing had an accident - or should I say, one of the climbers had an accident. From what I have heard, someone (happened to be a foreigner, although this isn’t really relevant to this story) was near the top and on his way down when, and again, from what I heard, his Belayer kind of, sort of, let go.
Bike Fixed
I managed to fix my motorbike yesterday after work. As I suspected, I fried the battery. A few weeks ago I bought a voltmeter so I could monitor/debug/troubleshoot issues on the bike. My battery is 6volts - but I was reading 6.8 or so on the old battery - as it drys out, the voltage increases. This explains why my headlight bulb and all turn signals burnt out in a span of a week.
Having a bad 2 days... Will it get worse?
Mobile Phone Issue First, last evening (Tuesday), out of the blue, my new Nokia N95 (well, I bought it in June) developed an odd problem - when I would press some of buttons, the screen would “shift” and change colors (like to a shade of blue, then red, then yellow, then green) but it would also shift to the right a few pixels. Very strange - seems like a connection is loose?
Beijing Olympics Phase 1 Tickets! What did I win?!
For those who do not know, Phase 1 of the Beijing 2008 Olympics ticket lottery has come and gone. This morning in my email box, I had an email from these guys with the results! Below is a list of the events I won: 1. Beach Volleyball - 2008-8-15 18:00 - 21:50 - Just for fun.. (1st Choice)
Women’s Round of 16-Match nn Women’s Round of 16-Match nn Men’s Round of 16 -Match nn Men’s Round of 16 -Match nn 2.
Netiquette - Get It?!
To all who may feel the urge to email me: I am making a new rule- I will not reply to any emails should they violate some very simple rules:
ALL-CAPS ARE USED THROUGHOUT OR AT LEAST LIBERALLY. I DON’T LIKE TO BE SHOUTED AT… The subject is missing – is"(no subject)" worth my time to read? The subject line is like a summary of a book - if I’m going to spend $10 on a book, the summary better be good… Of course, this applies only to my personal email - can’t really ignore work-related emails ;-) Wikipedia has a great article on this: Netiquette.