
Kettlebells, Organic Food, and... Mexican Fajitas?


We have a busy day (and it isn’t over yet). Today is my 3rd “cheat day” on the 4-Hour Body ‘plan’. I started off with a standard healthy, high-protein, zero-useless carbs, breakfast. The usuals: Lentils, Spinach, 3 eggs (1 whole, 2 whites), and seasoning. I have grown fond of dousing my eggs with Tabasco these days. Mmmm
Afterwords, Melanie and I had a 9am appointment at the KettlebellH.I.T gym at Horse City, (#01-02K, 100 Turf Club RoadSingapore 287992) where we would be getting an hour and a half introductory lesson on Kettlebell exercises. I had the intent on buying a Kettlebell so that I could do the exercises at home as recommended in The Four Hour Body. There are a few options of places to buy Kettlebells in Singapore, but I ended up going with KettlebellH.I.T since they offer 2 free courses when you buy a Kettlebell to teach you how to use it. Plus, it seems from the Youtube videos of these guys, they know what they’re doing. I went in thinking I would be getting something around a 20Kg Kettlebell, as Tim Ferris suggests that most men should start with that weight. Well, let me tell you, try before you buy! I ended up with a 8Kg Kettlebell - and this one is pleanty for me for the time being. Yes, I’m a wimp.
Unfortunately, the 8Kg Kettlebells are pink. Oh well. Following the workout and purchase, Melanie and I went out to Kranji to hit the organic farms, specifically Bollywood Veggies, an organic farm that has a pretty good restaurant. This was actually our second time going (our first was back in March with some friends) - I wanted to have a good healthy cheat-day lunch with foods that I know aren’t poisoned with hormones and pesticides (so I would feel a bit less guilty about stuffing my face with way too much goodness!).

And by the way, their banana bread is awesome! Thank goodness it’s a 4HB cheat day.

Finally, for dinner, well, I haven’t had it yet, but I plan to have Mexican! We’ll see how good it is - some of my colleagues have ordered it in the past and said it was good value for money.