
Jason's Here, Saw Acrobatics, and Last Exam Today!


So, for the first time in 6 years of living in Beijing, a friend from back home has visited!  (Yes, Derek did visit Shanghai on a business trip 2 years ago and I went down to see him, but that doesn’t count! ;-)  Jason braved the H1N1 Swine Flu control measures, his temperature was checked some 3 times before getting out of the airport, to visit me (well, he came to see Beijing, but I’m here, so I take that as he’s here to see me! ;-) Another first for me yesterday was we went to see an Acrobatics show.  In 6+ years of living here, I never went to see an Acrobatics show!  Here are some pics! Well, today is my last exam at school.  It’s 口语, or speaking exam.  It’s only about ten minutes of speaking to my teacher.  I did well on the mid term, and aren’t too worried for this final.  I should still be in the running to get about 50% or 75% of my tuition back on Friday through my school’s scholarship program.  Weird, they just give you cash on the spot at the commencement “ceremony”.  I think other schools give you scholarships towards the following term. Things are winding down here.  Jason leaves on the 30th of June, the movers come on the 1st of July to pack up the apartment.  Then I’m off on the 7th!  That’s only 13 days from here.  Yikes!