
My apartment complex - grrrr... That's all I have to say!


Not sure if you’ve been following my flickr photo stream, but I posted a photo I took the other day of a notice in my elevator.  I knew it had something to do with turning off electricity as it had the “dian”, or 电 character, a date (Dec. 20), and a time range (00:00 - 02:00).  So I pretty much guessed what this was about. Thanks to one of my few loyal readers, Ray, who can read Chinese, he translated it for me in the flickr photo comments:

Power outage from 00:00 to 02:00 on Dec 20. Affected area: South region building 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, Kindergarten, Office building and elevator.

Well, I’m in building 7 (By the way, that’s 6 numbered buildings, and the office buildings, which is pretty much the whole complex! [almost]). I’m a great pre-planner! I went out to dinner last night (Dec 19) with some friends, we then had a few drinks, and left for home around 11:30pm.  Plenty of time, I thought. 10-15 mintues to get home - time to spare!**  Ha!** I did get home around 11:45.  The lights in the building were still on - a good sign!  I enter my building, and low and behold - they turned off the elevators already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Both of them! People: remember, I live on the 26th floor.  Minus the superstitious floors, so I effectively live on the 23rd floor.  Ouch. I managed to get into my apartment before the whole building shut down…  No TV for me…