
Nokia N95 vs. Apple "iPhone"


The guys at symbianguru have great spoofs off Apple’s Mac vs. PC commercials, although this time, its Nokia N95 vs. Apple iPhone.  I suggest you watch them.  Those of you in China, Typepad (where symbianguru is hosted) is blocked (no surprise), so below are the YouTube links.

  1. N95 vs. iPhone - MMS
  2. N95 vs. iPhone - Camera
  3. N95 vs. iPhone - Internet
  4. N95 vs. iPhone - GPS
  5. N95 vs. iPhone - Going to China?
  6. N95 vs. iPhone - ??? (Not posted yet)

I suggest we all stop for a moment, step back, take a deep breath, and start using our brains.  The iPhone is all hype - been there, done that.  It doesn’t provide any tangible technological advances that you won’t see on any other phone. It’s typical Apple style - “let’s market eye candy” to make up for the technological deficiencies. I’m glad I live in China where I am not bombarded with the iPhone hype at every street corner.