
Oh yeah... Yesterday was my birthday


Thanks to those of you who wished me a Happy Birthday. Those of you who didn’t, well…  That’s not very nice, is it?  ;-) What did I do for my Birthday?  Well, it was on a Thursday, and I went home and pretty much played Guitar Hero II for several hours.  That game rocks. Literally! Having a thingy tonight with some friends - I am sure it will be a long night. Then tomorrow, I need to go to Tom’s 90’s party.  A 90’s party? He calls it “Enjoy the View”.  What the heck does that mean? In his invitation, he had a pretentious set of photos of a sunsetting.  Sunsets and 90’s?  Well, I guess there is some relation as I can remember some occasions in the 90’s where the sun did indeed set. Any way…