
Been a While (part 3?)


Ok, so the flickr feed at the top is not working. So I didn’t fix it. And the Plazes thingy is kind of gay. Enough of that. So, for those of you who didn’t know (*cough* Matt…) the international Internet access from China (and much of Asia) has been utter crap-o-lah. The “Great Dec-06 Earthquake of Taiwan” might ring a bell. No? I guess non-asian residents don’t care. But surely, you’ve notices a reduction in your spam emails since then, right? If you’re lazy, the dang earthquake severed several underwater cables. Of course cross-continent normal IDD phone service and most leased line access has been restored since the earthquake, but, they have SLAs, right? The public internet doesn’t so, we’re left with the brute of the force, so to speak. And now more earthquakes (smaller) are hampering the cable repairs. Any way, it’s been crap. My iTunes purchases won’t download. won’t load. won’t load. is crazy slow. Yet, Google sites are perfectly fine (which is good, as I use GMail). Yahoo! also seems to have major issues. Lucky for me, I was in Tokyo with Mel when ti happened, so we didn’t have to deal with the immediate results, which I am told, left people with near-zero access. (As an aside: Internet access, yeah, pretty much outside of China, rocks.) Any way, now it looks end of January. Let’s hope they can get it done. I have a $2 Rose Bowl game to watch that hasn’t downloaded yet from iTunes. Well, I am ranting. Quick update:

  1. I still plan to upload my Tokyo photos. Bare with me please. (See above)
  2. Melanie will be moving to India for a 5-6 month stint on Monday. I plan to buy a game console to keep me busy while she’s away.
  3. That’s it… Life is a treat.