
Back for a week, and already another holiday


It’s Friday, been back in Beijing for about a week now.  Tomorrow is a work day (stupid “golden weeks”), but then I have 7 straight days of lazing around.  Melanie and I decided to hang out in Beijing, pretty much to actually have a holiday.  No travel, no headaches. There is a chance I am going back to Austin, TX in October.  Need to confirm that. I’ll be posting photos of the Portland, OR portion of my trip (was there just last week). Saw some old friends from Michigan.  Thanks to Matt and Joanne for allowing me to stay at their place.  And to Loren, the PS2 game “24” is pretty neat. I hope to do some “house cleaning” this during the week off on my website.  Lots of broken links in my gallery section. I also have a boat load of photos I need to upload to flickr from the past.  I totally forgot to bring them to the US on my last visit to take advantage of the bandwidth.  (News flash, Internet in China sucks).