
Amazon S3 - Has great potential!


I started using Amazon S3 for my laptop backup purposes.  I decided on using JungleDisk as they didn’t have any additional fees (i sign up directly with Amazon and pay Amazon directly).  So far, I have only uploaded some of my personal files (no media), financial stuff, etc.  Speeds from China seem o.k.  I definitely like how Amazon has everything encrypted. Hopes for JungleDisk I would like to see a Web interface to my files.  I would like to see their windows (and presumibly the Mac and Linux) client to support multiple buckts out of the box without having to reconfigure it.  Automatic drive mapping in Windows and backup scheduling would also be nice. So far, after 2 days of use, I owe Amazon US 3 Cents for having a whopping  0.052 GB worth of file transfer and 0.002 GB worth of files.  Hmm, now that i think about it, those numbers don’t really add up as I haven’t downloaded any files onto other computers. I wonder if Amazon will bill my credit card for 59 cents when it comes time to pay or if they have a minimum monthly billing amount. Another reason why I chose JungleDisk is because I like their Website.  Not flashy like the others.  They don’t try to sell the product with a cool looking website.  Instead, they know they have a good product (well, in their case, they are using a good product, Amazon S3) and I think their old-school method of getting business is spot on.  But, just how will they actually make money?  They don’t have my credit card number, Amazon does.  It will be interesting if they can convince Amazon to share revenue.  Then we can sit back and enjoy a service that isn’t overpriced like the others. Reson for and Eventual Use I think that having a backup on a trusted system, such as Amazon, is great.  I particulaly don’t want to try the other players - smaller scale, may not have encryption, more expensive or free with ads.  Amazon claims 99.99% uptime (yeah, 4 9’s, not 5), but that translates to about 17 minutes of downtime a year.  No biggie.  I know that i probably won’t loose any data now. I am debating whether i want to backup my photos though.  Music to?  That could get expensive! Also, I am starting to do more with my photos - embedding GPS tags, embedding captions, etc.  If there would be a neat way to synchronize the files, that would be nice.  But I suppose that goes beyond the scope of “backing” up - it then just becomes online storage. Another point worth thinking about - the data is hosted in the U.S..  How will that affect what you can store due to U.S. data storage laws.  No, I don’t have any child porn, but…