
Look at the email I just got: Foldera Account Coming! But when?!


Dear future Foldera user, Thank you for requesting an account with Foldera, the only free and easy-to-use web-based organizer and messaging/collaboration service. Your request is being processed, and you will be notified when your account has been created. As you know, Foldera is in the process of distributing beta account access based upon the order in which people registered. At this time we cannot give you an exact date or time for when your new credentials will be distributed since we want to be certain that everyone who has previously registered receives any support they might need to get off to a successful start. Be assured that we are working as hard as we can to distribute credentials to everyone who has requested them and we will update you with a more precise time by which you can expect to receive credentials to your new Foldera account in the near future. If you have any questions, you can reach our Customer Relations Specialists by emailing You will receive a response within one working day. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. We value your input and appreciate your feedback. Sincerely, Foldera Customer Relations