
Am I on crack? Foldera has launched? Where?!


Today is Tuesday, May 20, Beijing time. Like with every Tuesday in Beijing, I wake up and check the tech news, as we get everything a day late here - aparently geeks don’t work on weekends. Any way… Yesterday, May 19, Foldera was supposed to launch. So, today, I thought, cool! I get to try it now. But, no. Their Website is the same! Where is the sign up sheet? (I already signed up for the private beta long ago, but alas, no invitation). And here I got excited after reading Michael Sampson’s (he’s from Foldera) comment on my last posting - he said yes, they are indeed out! (I paraphrased). Now, just what exactly does “Launch” mean? Well, the stock (FDRA.OB) did go up 12 cents on Monday… But, nah, that can’t be the only reason Foldera said they were “launching”, just for the stock, is it? Investors are smart, if they start buying, but then see no product, they’ll feel cheated. Right? It seems this is all being hyped up. Do they really have a product?! I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt, but i’m going to play devil’s advocate for a bit here. Sure, Michael Arrington gave Foldera a gleeming review on TechCrunch way back in February of this year. So he actually saw a product, right? Wait a second here, let’s not forget Friday’s big news of Michael’s recent appointment to Foldera’s Board. Yes! That’s right. And isn’t TechCrunch’s sister site MobileCrunch currently being edited/authored by a Mr. Oliver Starr, Foldera’s Chief Mobility Officer? Interesting. One big happy family, eh? I’m still waiting in line to test out Foldera… Waiting…. Patiently… waiting… Still Waiting…