
Happy Birthday to Me - A New Phone!


What did I buy myself this time? Surprise! A new phone! Ok, ok, ok… My original phone broke - it wouldn’t charge anymore. Small problem… Yes, I posted that entry on April 13, 2005. I got my new phone on the 23rd. Didn’t last long, did it? So here is the pic(s):




QTek 8310


Dopod 577w




O2 XDA Orion


i-Mate SP5

Hmm… they’re the same, but different brands. Weird. As it turns out, all these phones are made by a company called HTC Taiwan, who, coincidentally, makes about 95% of the world’s Windows Smart phone and Pocket PC mobile phones. Go Taiwan - way to be the OEM Kings! Any way, it’s pretty sweet. I have just been playing with it for 2 days now. I actually bought it from eBay China from a shop in Shenzhen. The phone isn’t sold in Mainland China, yet, from any of the aforementioned brands - so this was a shady import, at best - most likely from Taiwan - as I gathered from the Traditional Chinese support and Taiwan warranty card… I’m a good sleuth. I finally got pseudo-Push email working from my company’s Exchange 2003 (SP2) email server, so I’m pretty happy. So which one actually did I get? The Dopod, which is also a Taiwan brand. I’ll post if it breaks. P.S. - I am absolutely warmly surprised and impressed with eBay China. Unlike other Chinese online companies (even some with foreign influence), eBay makes it extremely easy to pay! You cannot claim that for an online discount travel website, cTrip (which is on the freaking NASDAQ Stock Market) or eLong (which is somewhat related to Expedia. Still a ways to go in online commerce in China… Mobile Phone, Dopod, 577w,