
GMail RSS is Crap, but Google Reader is Nice


I guess Google tools are a hit or miss… GMail RSS GMail has a new feature, it shows RSS feeds above the Inbox. Big deal. First of all, it doesn’t even integrate with Google Reader! I spent enough time getting my feeds in Google Reader, now I have to do it again for GMail? I don’t see any OPML import function, so I can’t even hack it! Google dropped the ball on this one. Google Reader I started playing with Google Reader, a Web-based RSS Feed Aggregator. Not bad. OK, it’s different than NetNewsWire that I used to use on my mac (that is, before the trial expired), but it works well. One issue I have with it is that the only Blog system it supports is Blogger. It would be nice if it supported xmlrpc…. Like Flickr, although, it doesn’t always work… In fact, it would be nice if it Google was a bit more open to other non-Google services/tools out there.. I am a supporter of Google, but life would be a bit easier/nicer if Google worked with other thing like WordPress, Flickr, and even But, I guess that is a whole other discussion all together. Google, GMail, RSS