
Cheap Flights and Aiyi's


This was a busy weekend for me. No, I didn’t go into work. Cheap Flights I decided to finally make a trip home for Christmas on my own dime (the previous 3 times I went to the US were for business trips). Northwest is having a deal to fly from China to Washington DC (any of the 3 area airports) for RMB 5500 (~US$ 679), round trip. Not bad! So, Melanie and I will be flying to Baltimore on the 22nd of December. We return to Beijing on the 29th, we haven’t decided what we will do once we are there - we might make a trip to Detroit or some place else. Will certainly visit DC. Aiyi This weekend, I took another step of being here long term. I (finally) got an Aiyi. An Aiyi is a maid. She will come twice a week from now on. She did the initial clean yesterday, Sunday. When I returned home, I didn’t think I was at my place! Once thing that did tick me off though, and it is pretty much my fault, my DVDs are no longer in alphabetical order. Shit.