
Travel Update


This morning, we were told that as long as one person wanted to go on the trip, they would still have it. Note, we booked a tour package due to the last minute decision. We were going to ditch the group and stay on the beach and do our own thing. If we wanted to cancel, the company would refund our money. This has changed. As of this evening, Sunday night, less than 12 hours to departure, out of a group of 25, Melanie and I were the only two who wanted to go. So, they canceled. They cancelled the hotel. They cancelled the flight - even though we had paper tickets. We get a full refund, but… damn. Nice. So, we have postponed dinner, and are working on alternate arrangements. Phuket? We’ll see. Maybe we can get a good deal to Bali. After all, seats have opened up on the plane, right? An update to follow…