
Celebrities (Sometimes) Piss Me Off


I’ve got a problem with this whole celebrity public reaction to this Hurricane Katrina mess. First of all, a disclaimer - as with most people, I am saddened by the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina - both to people’s lives and to their property. It is a horrible event, and I feel for those who have been affected, both directly and indirectly. Now, to my rant. Some celebrities are using this disaster as a publicity stunt. Some who are on my shit list include Macy Gray, Sean Penn, and Geraldo Rivera. Macy Gray - Went to Houston to “help” at the Astrodome. I saw footage of her on CNN, wearing a Red Cross vest (not straightly put on, but sagging a bit), full of makeup and smiling for the cameras, you know, looking all phat and all. She was on Larry King this evening. She wrote a song for this event, and sang it. Wow, nice work. We should all thank Macy for her great support and for taking the trouble out of her busy schedule to go to Houston to be with the evacuees. Sean Penn - Went to New Orleans to save children. On a boat full of his support staff, including personal photographer, it was hardly big enough for the children to be saved. Apparently it sprung a leak. I also saw some footage of him waiting through the water, pulling the boat. Great job! Put some elbow-grease in it! Personal photographer? What the hell?! Get a life, shut up, stay home, leave it to the experts who don’t need personal photographers and publicists. If you want to help, donate some of your money - you have gobs of it. Oh, by the way, your movies suck. Geraldo Rivera - Gerlado has been under fire lately, reportedly, he pushed some rescuers out of the way so his cameraman could catch Geraldo on film carrying a lady down the stairs of her ill-fated home. Saving her is nice and all, but… well.. Geraldo is a pretty boy, we all know that. Love his mustache. There are countless more of these celebrities who just want to get good publicity. And Americans (and those outside of the country) buy into it. That’s almost as bad!! Personally, I couldn’t give a crap if Sean Penn went to New Orleans to save some people. He is still a crap actor. And I am not going to buy Celine Dion albums because she went to New Orleans to “help” out. Ok, she donated 1 million dollars, that was truly generous of her, but, I still won’t buy her albums because of it.