
People are just plain dumb. 4 year old iBook at $50?

$50 iBooks cause stampede!
Source: The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Wow, I am truly amazed. People will go to this much trouble to get their hands on a 4 year old Apple iBook. People: It’s 4 years old! Come on! Don’t give me the BS answer/excuse “oh, I don’t have a computer” blah blah. 4 years old. 4 Years Old! 4 YEARS OLD!!! If I were one of the idiots who decided to camp out at, say, 4am, and I saw that many many more people have camped out for several hours earlier, I think I would have enough sense to say “Screw it” and go home to sleep. Sadly, there are idiots out there - those that just don’t use their brains - that decided “eh, why not - I might just get my hands on a new lap top.” Wrong! It’s old moron! Must have been before their morning coffee. Spend $300 for a new computer at your local CompUSA. Jeez. Go [here]( for brilliant slide shows of the event.