
Been a while - Going to Hong Kong (for a bit)


Sorry, has been a while since my last post. Last week we had a holiday - one of the three “Golden Weeks” here in China - where we have 7 straight days off. That sounds nice to the untrained eye, but stop for one moment. Take a step back. Lets analyze this for a minute. 7 days off. hmm, 2 days are a weekend. Ok, so 5 *real* days off. No, no, we have to make up 2 of the days during the weekend before or after the holiday. Doh! 3 **real** days off. Sneaky bastards. I ended up staying in beijing. Kind of nice actually. Didn’t have the hectic travel schedule like previous holidays. The roads were less congested. And, with warm weather, spring is here! I decided to buy a bicycle. (Well, Melanie and I decided to, we also got another friend to buy one too). Weekend bicycle trips, here we come! A representative from a partner in the US is coming to visit our company at the end of May. He wants to go to Hong Kong for a long weekend. Hmm, tax free gadget shopping, no currency fluxuation issues, SURE! Found a [great deal]( at a China-based discount travel website [eLong]( The deal: RMB 828 (~100 USD, tax not included) round trip Beijing-Hong Kong, on a real airline, Cathey Pacific. Yikes. Normally, it is RMB 2500+. Lucky for us, it is valid through May. Now, lodging….. [ChungKing Mansions](, anyone?