
Excitement in the Workplace


Things are getting exciting in the world of Outsourcing to China. The company is growing! Of course, it means an increase in workload and stress levels, but I think this is to be expected - it is a good stress. I’ll be going through three days of CMMI training starting tomorrow, Thursday. Should be interesting - my company is planning to go thorough CMMI 3 assessment by the end of calendar year. The unfortunate thing is, I will need to work just a tad later than my usual 8-9+ at night to keep up with things, as training will be a large portion of the day. Our office is nearing capacity - which is a good thing, but also causing some headaches for the SI team. I think we are planning on taking over another office elsewhere in the building, but I am not sure when that will happen. Several of us are suggesting moving the whole company to a China World Trade Center tower or Jianwai SOHO tower, but the cost is unreasonably high for these prime CBD locations.