
Brief Update


Work here in the US is busy - working pretty much full days in the office, then going to the hotel room, after getting a bit to eat, working with the team in Beijing. I am getting towards the end here, I will be leaving Michigan on Saturday afternoon for Beijing. I have liked being here, but I think I am ready to go back. **Tidbits:** - Went to an NBA Basketball game on monday of this week (Detroit Pistons vs Dallas Mavricks). Pistons lost. Oh well. 2 seats down, a guy was sorting his basketball cards for a good portion of the game. His girlfriend looked a bit bored. He also had a photo album which is proceeded to get Kid Rock’s autograph (He apparently goes to all, if not most, Pistons games). - Also went down to Indiana to visit a friend on Friday night, spent the night. Boy, those Indianaians are … strange. This town we were in was very… white. The 4 of us probably increased the minority population by 300%. - I am still ticked off about the recent damage to my Powerbook. Hmm, did I forget to post about it? See this: [Pictures]( Thats enough for now.