
Random stuff


It has been more than a week since I bought my PowerBook. I must tell you, it’s a really nice machine. Some notes: - This evening I am going to install [Growl]( for notifications. Will let you know what I think. - Also this evening, I will install [Virtue]( for virtual desktop support, something MacOSX should have come with! Gnome and KDE users rejoyce. - Met a fellow Beijing Linux User Group member (actually the VP, I think) yesterday during brunch at a [usual spot]( He showed me his new toy (also a 12inch PowerBook). Nice! Seems like many people are switching (I know of 3 Linux users (including he and I) in Beijing who have switched. There could be more, will check at the next meeting. - Installed [Camino](, a Mozilla Web Browser natively for OSX. It is eye candy, but useful? eh.. Lacks the Firefox extensions - which works under OSX. - After reading [Roi’s HOWTO Switch guide](, I realized I forgot to create a non-admin account for daily use! OOPS! Will do that tonight, too. - My 80gig hard disk is quickly filling up with all my photos, music and movie. Will eventually need to buy an external firewire harddisk to handle all the non-super important stuff (like movies). - Getting interested in this whole every-gadget-syncs thing. Remember I played with a while back, then dumped it in favor of A9’s browser toolbar. Well, A9 doesn’t have a toolbar for Safari yet. So, what to do? I started a 2 month trial with .Mac to see if that is useful for syncing. It comes with mail, which I don’t want, and the price for a full account (after the trial expires) is US$99/year. Ouch. We’ll see. How about a Bluetooth mobile phone? Ugh, I thought I was finished purchasing new gadgets. What I want is a way to see my address book in [GMail](, my bookmarks at work in Firefox on Windows, and at home on my Mac in Safari, my address book (phone numbers) on my mobile phone, um, I guess that’s about it. - I’ll get my Singapore photos up this evening (I hope!). Which reminds me, I thinkI owe you my October 2004 holiday photos of Qingdao and Dalian. Oops.