
Lovely Singapore


Hello everyone, It has been a while since I last posted, mainly because I have been on vacation in Singapore. It is Monday, we return to cold Beijing tomorrow evening (around midnight Tuesday). While here, I have taken the plunge into the Mac world by purchasing a new [Powerbook 12inch]( laptop. :-) A few major points that have influenced my decision to buy: 1. New model available 2. Tax free in Singapore for visitors (me) 3. um, that’s it. So, I am now a mac user. yee Singapore is really nice! Hot, but nice. I can seriously see myself living here in the future, whether it be for work or for school. We’ll see. One of the cool things about Singapore is the embrasement of new technology. Wifi (wireless internet) is just about everywhere (the subway would be nice, but still remains a dream). I am currently using the web at a Pacific Coffee Company coffee shop at one of the many many malls here. This coffee shop has free wifi. Starbucks and Coffee Bean require you to pay, so I haven’t been frequenting them very much. The public transportation system is very similar to Hong Kong, in that it is very convenient, you can use your prepay card (in HK, it is Octopus, here it is EZ-Link) to pay for anything from Subway (MRT), Bus, Taco Bell, Watsons, etc. So clean, too! I wonder when Beijing will wake up and start modernizing their public transportation system / convenience purchasing system… I suppose the Beijing people probably aren’t ready to appriciate it yet as they still do such things as spitting mucus on restaurant floors in sterio sound. Sad. Can you imagine trying to keep these services clean in Beijing!!?! Maybe by 2012 Beijing will be ready to join the 21st century. Ok, enough of that tangent. Probably pissing off a number of people already. Hey, it’s true… More Beijing/Singapore comparison commentary next time…