
Website Changes / Random Rants


As you might have guessed, I am migrating my site quicker than originally thought. Moveable Type is pretty neat, although I haven’t figured out how to add other content pages that is not a blog. Possible? Randomness Corporate Brand Images Suffering on International Markets: When you think about McDonalds and Breakfast, what do you think about? Big Breakfast. That is what I wanted on Sunday Morning. Found out McDonalds in China doesn’t have it, even though it is listed in the Nutrition Information pamphlet. I think they just took the pamphlet from the U.S. and blindly translated it into Chinese ignoring the fact that about 30% what is listed isn’t even offered in this country. Take biskets, for example: Meiyou! Queues & Personal Space: I think the concent of a line (queue) in this country is one largly unknown or misunderstood. Had lunch at one of the department store cafeterias on Saturday (Hotpot). At this cafeteria, you have to put money into a card and then give the card to one of the food stalls attendants. Well, like with any line/queue, people hover around the cash register, cut in front of you, etc. I have gotten in the habit of attempting to stop this by giving dirty looks, and at a last resort, yell at them and point to a place behind me. That usually works. Regarding personal space, or a lack thereof, I was in line at McDonalds giving my order to the attendant. A young boy was behind me (amazingly standing in line), but he was really really close to me. Couldn’t have been more than 2 or 3 centimeters between the two of us. So, I politely turned around and told him “Could you please stand back a bit?”, in English, of course. He got the point, I suppose I had an expression to kill on my face.