
Bathroom Incident


Ever been locked out INSIDE your bathroom? No, I haven’t either. I didn’t think it was really possible.. Well, I got to work today and eventually my colleague, we’ll use his real name to maximize humility, Tom (the Dutch guy) messaged me on MSN. Tom: chris Tom: you there? Tom: you will not believe this Chris: yes Chris: whats up? Tom: I am locked in Chris: huh? Tom: yes Chris: how?! Tom: i’ll quickly explain Tom: I went for a shower Tom: locked my door (of bathroom) Tom: and I can’t get out Chris: your computer? Tom: only thing I have is laptop with 20mins power left Chris: hahahah Chris: nice Chris: break the door Tom: no mobile, nothing Tom: tried to force lock, but didn’t work Tom: please could you: Tom: find out the number of the management office of this building Chris: uh, ok… Chris: heh Tom: Zhongguo Di yi shang cheng Chris: i’ll try Tom: my apartment number is *** Tom: I’m locked in the bathroom of the master bedroom Tom: they have a key of the house downstairs Chris: alrighty …. Tom: if I don’t call you within half an hour Tom: pls assume that nothing happened, and that I’m still stuck