
Weelim's Pictures of PaintMOB and More


Here are the pictures for PaintMOB - Weelim’s Birthday - PaintMOB Yesterday (Sunday) was an eventful day. First, had issues with people around lunch time which made me late for a lunch appointment with a friend (I won’t go into details here). Lucky for me, he is generally late to things, so he didn’t mind me being late. Second, on the way back home from tutoring (2-3:30), my starboard muffler broke - fell off… Had to pull over and retrieve it. Next, I delivered some things left over from PaintMOB to Wee-Lim’s house - on the way up the 6 flights of stairs, (carrying heavy stuff), I tripped, hurt my knee and foot (minor) and broke my mobile phone. (click picture to zoom) I’ll try to get it fixed, but if it is too expensive, I’ll just buy a new phone. I will try to use my “channels” to get a discount for a Motorola phone. We’ll see. The day got better following a cafe session with two friends at Le Petit Paris (Little Paris) on San Li Tun street. (the plan to relax at the cafe was marred when I realized that I broke my phone.. so I was a bit pissed…) Given my luck that day, I was sure something else (bad) was going to happen, but, luckily, no. :-) Today is Singaporean National Day. Just thought you wanted to know that bit of random trivia - remember, I have several Singaporean friends, so I am informed about anything related to Singapore at least 5 times. [Mel, I am not complaining. Just making an observation!] For Wee-Lim’s birthday, I implimented a new blog system for her (using a similar method that I use, Blogger and XML). You can monitor it here - I wonder when she will start using it!!