
New Photos: World Carnival and a Birthday


I added 2 new galleries:

World Carnival The group of us arrived at the Carnival grounds on Saturday, July 24 just before 5 pm (could have been there earlier, but, someone was late….) The price of entry was 50 RMB, but we were given 10 “free” tokens to use at games and rides. (Note: each token was 5 RMB, so I am not sure how “free” these were…) 4 of us went on a ride called “Batman”. It is just a standard ride that turns you up side down, left to right, up and down, etc… A bit short, though. For the majority of the time there, we walked around, played some games, looked at people (I took some great pictures of ankle-length stockings - be sure to check this site soon for a feature) .