
Last night we went to


Last night we went to the weekly pop quiz event at the John Bull Pub, an English pub serving many non-English beers. Our team, consisting of:

  • 5 Singaporeans
  • 2 Canadians
  • 2 Germans
  • 1.5 Americans*
  • 1 Malaysian
  • 1 French
  • .5 Scottish*

[* The guy (Sashi)with .5 citizenship holds dual citizenship, yes yes yes, Scotland is part of the UK, thank you] A bit heavy on the Singaporean side, right? Yep. That helped us in one of the 6 rounds where one question (worth 1 point out of 10) asked who the current Prime Minister of Singapore was. Nice going. The first round consisted of 10 photos of people and we, as a team, had to write who each person was. We got all 10. I knew 5 of them. What followed was 5 rounds of 10 questions, some of random nature, 1 round’s category was China - which we got 5 out of 10. What was the town the Communist Party was born? Good question. It was on my list of destinations for the summer of 2003, but, SARS. Another category was Science, Sashi helped out a lot with this one, including knowing the inventor of the rubik’s cube was Hungarian. And who was the opponent to LBJ’s presidential election in 1964? I didn’t know this one, one of the Canadians did - he said Sen. Goldwater. But then he told me to cross it off because he wasn’t sure. So I put Strong Thurman. Yeah, so, he was right. Sashi was nice enough to say the answer to the first question of round 2 because he didn’t know we were supposed to write the answers down on our piece of paper - “FOR YOUR EYES ONLY!!!” Oops.. Freebee point to everyone, thanks Sashi. :-) We ended up in 3rd place. We got a round of Tsingtao beer (local) free. 2nd place gets a round of Coronas, 1st place gets a small keg of some import beer. We will most likely do it again next week. We must win!