
The company last week rolled


The company last week rolled out the official dress code. We had an HR meeting yesterday afternoon (which almost made me late for a date, which I had a very nice time at, btw) to discuss these new policies, in addition to many other policies. One of the rules state that you can not wear “jeans in any forms”. (no, the ’s’ after “form” is not my typo) One of our female colleagues is today wearing a denim skirt, frayed at the bottom with some silver dot things spelling out some words. Stuck-up Brit (my British colleague) asked her about it (I assume in a casual, friendly way). She, let’s call her Ms. Zhang, told Stuck-up Brit that she cleared it with the HR director (let’s call her Ms. Wang). So, apparently, Denim skirts (we foreigners like to call them “Jean Skirts”) are not considered “Jeans”. Is this a China thing? Could be. I will do some research into this interesting topic and get back to you.