
I have interviewed my good


I have interviewed my good friend (we will call her Ms. Jane) over MSN about this Denim Skirt issue. She is Singaporean, so she should have some sort of fasion sense. Below, you will see the transcript of our conversation. Kind of interesting how she mentions the San Francisco gold rush and why that makes denim bad for the work place. Something we all should think about… Translated text follow confusing text, hey, she is Singaporean, speaks Singlish Chris: Do you consider Denim Skirts part of the “Jeans” product line? Ms. Jane: kinda Ms. Jane: why? Ms. Jane: it’s informal Ms. Jane: i dun relaly like denim skirts Ms. Jane: i do not really like denim skirts Ms. Jane: i think denim skirts shld not be allowed Ms. Jane: i think denim skirts should not be allowed Ms. Jane: it’s just as informal as jeans Chris: but do you think anything denim is considered jeans? Ms. Jane: kinda Chris: kinda? Ms. Jane: jeans is denim pants Chris: can you elaborate? Chris: uh huh Ms. Jane: but the think that makes ‘jeans’ banned from formal please Ms. Jane: but the thing that makes ‘jeans’ banned from formal places Ms. Jane: is cos it’s made from Denim Ms. Jane: is because they are made from Denim Ms. Jane: pants are okay Ms. Jane: but denim pants are not Ms. Jane: as denim is casual Ms. Jane: worker’s like Not sure where she was going with this Ms. Jane: it’s first worn by SF goldminers Ms. Jane: Jeans were first worn by San Francisco goldminers Ms. Jane: hence Ms. Jane: by this theory Theory? Did I miss something? Ms. Jane: anything denim shld be banned Ms. Jane: anything denim should be banned Chris: interesting Chris: ok, thank you for your time Hmmm… Yeah… alright, I will try asking someone else.