
Today was a really busy


Today was a really busy day. The morning and part of the afternoon was spent fixing code that a programmer here messed up after not following my instructions from the day before. That delayed the feature release a few hours (release of new features requested by the client). Yeah, that was basically it. Following that, I submitted 4 of our projects to the Web Awards ( competition for this year. (Yay, what a great task to do, lucky me!) Yes, today was the deadline. Right on time… The submission forms for the web awards suck - first of all, the text boxes aren’t long enough for long street addresses or company names. The typical foreign street address is pretty long (i.e. Suite 519, Guomen Tower A, No.1 Zuo Jia Zhuang, Chaoyang District) and some company names can be long, too. What is that you say? Shorten the address? Well, yeah, I had to, but there is only so much you can shorten it by and still have a small hope of the Chinese post office translating it to Chinese correctly. Get my drift? The forms suck also because for each entry, you have to fill in all your information again! Company info, credit card payment info, etc… Really annoying. Plus, my web browser crashed during one of the submissions, so I had to do that one over. Windows sucks. Ok, enough venting.