
Why is Detroit such a


Why is Detroit such a depressing city to go to? I walk off the airplane into the crapy LC Smith Terminal and wait for my baggage at the baggage claim. Not happy to be “home” right now. Is it “home”, though? I don’t know, I think I will find out how I feel when I get back to Beijing. After being here for a day, i am kind of experiencing a culture shock of sorts. Huge super markets with all kinds of great products I miss. Traffic situation is no where near as bad as it is in beijing. Everyone speaks English… Kind of remarkable, actually. Finished the first day of meetings. i actually kind of like this - traveling to the client to have technical discussions. have another day of meetings tomorrow. It now turns out that I will be going to Chicago on Monday to meet with a new client to discuss a project. I will most likely drive as opposed to fly as I have the rental car anyway. However, i can just see parking being a pain in the rear.. jetlag is still going strong. i woke up today (Thursday) at 4:30ish. I got home from the meeting at around 6, took a nap until about 10. I will be staying with my sister starting Saturday night.