
I was requested by my


I was requested by my manager {Mr. Milky Windmill} to post this email I authored to him and others in management positions in the company {Chaos Unlimited, Ltd.}. This is so I can endure even more mockery in addition to the mockery I had to deal with from him. Work is fun. A collegue of ours left the company (Friday was her last day), so we will have a going-away dinner for her tonight. Natuarlly, as with any social activities planned and/or supported by the company, we are informed the day of the event (An email is sent out by my manager, {Mr. Milky Windmill}. Now, clearly, this is not an acceptable business practice. I make it a point to inform those responsible of their mishaps in order to help them improve the way they conduct themselves in a business environment. Even if they don’t improve personally, the company will (theoretically). I usually draft an email and CC some people. Here it is. Note: Names have been {changed}. –START– **OFFICIAL REQUEST:** Please inform the staff of such events at least a few days in advance. That way, those who want to go to this event have ample time to reschedule previously-scheduled plans, if possible. Informing the staff the day of the event is not very convenient. For example, let’s say I had plans to go to the dentist after work. While going to the dentist is a very important thing to do on a 6-monthly basis (at least), I would also like to join everyone to bid farewell to {Staffer Jenny}. Being informed about this event last week would have given me a few days to contact the dentist office to try to reschedule. If I was able to reschedule, then great! If not, then, well, that is life. At least I tried. However, being informed the day of the event wouldn’t give me much time to try to reschedule the event. Also, even if I could reschedule the event, I may not have been able to reschedule it for an as convenient date and time as I could have the previous week. I know for a fact this event was planned, or at least, there was a possibility of holding this event, on **_Friday_** of last week, maybe even earlier, I am not sure. Even if the plans were not finalized, it would have been great to receive an email stating “we are thinking about holding this event, keep your calendars open!”. Maybe I am a bit too idealistic, but this would help improve and/or maintain the employee’s moral. Should there be another way to make this request, such as filling out a template, or informing others in the company, please let me know so that I can do this correctly in the future. **I am just happy that I didn’t make any other plans tonight so that I can attend. Thank goodness for that!** Thanks! --END– Will this change anything in the company? Probably not – because my manager {Mr. Milky Windmill} won’t do anything about it.