
New Apartment, Parking Tickets, and Journal Neglect


Jesus… I just closed my browser without saving my entry. Son of a….. Here it goes again, from memory! OK, thanks Matt for reading my journal. I know know that at least 3 people do. :-) Sorry to those of you who do read this, I have not posted for a while. It was due to a combination of being busy at work, and lazy outside of work. Work has been more busy than usual over the past 2 or 3 weeks, I guess that is good because work directly translates to a paycheck, I guess (with some buffer room). Any way, due to the increased workload, I have been unable to spend as much time not doing work and doing things like updating my journal, etc… (Disclaimer: these are all lies, I don’t waste time at work, I am actually a workaholic - I eat, sleep, and drink this stuff). I moved into my new apartment a week ago yesterday (Monday). I am quite happy there. It is a pretty big apartment (for one person) – 2 bedrooms, about 75 square meters. I have lots of pre- and post-furniture pictures that I will try to post in the next few days, I have just been too busy, plus, I keep forgetting my camera at home. I got my first parking ticket on Sunday. I was parked out front of the resturant we usually eat brunch at on Sundays. I don’t remember seeing a no-parking sign, plus, I was the only vehicle that had a ticket when I left, there were other cars there… Maybe there is a no motorcycle parking sign?! Any way, the fine will probably be something like 5 RMB, but that’s not the issue. I have to go in person to pay, with my driver’s license. There lies the problem! The bike is 100% legal, I’m just not. So, I am going to have to figure out something. If I don’t pay, it will complicate the re-registration of the bike in December.