
I went with friends to


I went with friends to eat yangrou chuan (lamb on a stick) on wednesday night (i think). We went to one of those “dirty” places where the food is cheap and tasty! Each paid 18 RMB, yeah.. :-) consequently, I woke up at 2:30 in the morning, full of sweat, with a massive stomach ache - which was fixed after about 10 minutes on the toilet. Usually, my stomach can take anything, but maybe after months of destroying it with hot and spicy (and questionable) foods, it is finally saying no. That’s the second time this happened fromt he same shack resturant… I probably won’t go back… Last night, I had something called “Milk Beer”. Sold in a can, it is milky beer. Tasted funny, probably won’t get it again. I met my landlord on Wednesday night again. I paid one month’s deposit. They are in the process of purchasing the electircal stuff (tv, fridge, washer, 2 aircons). They said the decorations will be finished by SUnday night, at which point, I can sign the lease, give them 3 months of rent, and move in. Looking forward. I’ll post pictures at the relevant time. Something strange, at work, many of the employees now have small jars on their desks with small fish. Not sure why, but one person started it, and the rest followed! Would it be bad if I came in on the weekend and fed them to the bigger fish in our office fish tank? :-) I am in the process of standardizing the company’s UNIX/Linux development platforms. Why? Because what they currently have is a total mess. As a result, I got (ok, for those of you who are easily bored with technical stuff, ignore the following) Windows Domain authentication to work under Samba - so now, using the windows machines, someone can access a samba share as the authenticated Domain user. neat, huh? Not exactly a straight forward solution… Not that I support windows or anything - it is a necessary evil.