
I, along with 2 friends,


I, along with 2 friends, saw two more apartments last night. Each with a different agent. The first one was on the 10th floor of a new building. Furniture provided - not bad furniture, not wonderful either. Marble flooring. All in all, not bad. The asking price was 2800 RMB/month. But, the dang elevator isn’t 24 hours. It shuts off at midnight, and starts up at 6am. Now, how often do I arrive home past 12? Well, probably about half the time. This coulde be good for loosing weight, but.., ehh… The second apartment, also in the same complex, was the same one I saw earlier in the week with a different agent. Oops! buhao yisi. I am in the process of going to see an apartment, also in the same complex, without an agent. Perhaps I will get a better rate?