
I am going to look


I am going to look at two more apartments tonight. I really hope I find something I like. The deadline is approaching. One of my agents tried an interesting tactic to get me to accept an apartment. The apartment cost 2800 RMB/month (338.295 USD). He suggested I take it and he will give me his “commission” of 800. First of all, that is strange, right? An agent, who works off commission, offering to give me his commission?!? Second, it is pretty common for agents to get a full month’s rent commission, right? So, is he being honest here? Probably not. Honesty is not an easy thing to come by here. My other agent told me yesterday the government of Beijing recently introduced a new law stating foreigners could only live in certain areas of the city - this after their November 2002 law stating foreigners could live anywhere. Strange? Yes, I agree. Did he want me to rent the apartment he shows me? Yes. How do I know this? Well, he told me the landlord was a good friend of his and that is how he could get a “very good rate”. Also, he told me that given my strict requirements, it is very difficult to find an apartment. Maybe, but.. come on… Do you job! A friend of mine gave me the contact details of a landlord who has an apartment in the same complex she lives in. I had someone call him and find out he is offering a very simillar apartment at a cheaper (not much) rate. Probably because there isn’t an agent involved. Are my requirments too strict? - 2 bedrooms, 1 living room (70-90 square meters) - unfurnished - wood floor - refrigerator, washer, tv, stove, aircon - 2500 RMB/month or lower Maybe… but I want to like where I live. Is that too much to ask??