
Day 8 of 10 Last


Day 8 of 10 Last night we had dinner and entertainment to close a project - the one I was working on for 2.5 months. We had Chinese food at a resturant near the office, which was quite good, and then went to a disco/ktv place. At the resturant, we were in a private room. There were two tables, we occupied the larger table - 9 of us. At some point during the meal, a group of people almost sat in the smaller table - but, they told the waitress they didn’t want to sit in the room because there was a laowai (slang for foreigner). I quickly looked back, and one of the guests who declined to sit in the room looked at me and gave me a nod, like they didn’t mean it or something. I gave a nasty look. Someone from the group I was with told me they most likely said that because they didn’t like the room, not because of me. Regardless of the reason, they shouldn’t have said that. Especially when the laowai can hear! I am now officialy on a mission to root out and destroy people who think twice before sharing a room with a laowai. Let’s think for a moment about the US$50 billion a year that gets invested in China by us laowais… This effort joins my current ongoing effort on (nicely) informing driver’s of their potentially catostrophic mistakes. Any way… KTV was fun. I sang a good Bridge Over Troubled Water. Now, back to work. 2 more days! KTV