
Time for a general update...


Time for a general update… It is Friday, the week before Christmas. While I am not religious, I do enjoy the holiday. I have the pleasure to celebrate this holiday here in lovely Beijing. As a Christmas gift from myself to myself, I am buying a new ChangJiang motorcycle. Have a look at for more information and links. I have been in the process of buying one for the past month or so – it is just about ready, according to the guy building it, just waiting for the legal stuff to be taken care of. Could I have it by next Thursday? We shall see. And why buy a bike when I can continue to drive someone’s for free? Two reasons. One reason, and most important, I would like to own a bike, so when I put money into it, I don’t feel it’s a waste. I can do any customization I want with it, etc… Second reason, I will be able to get a driver’s license – you need to own a bike in order to get a motorbike license here - strange logic, I know. A random link: My friend is looking to buy a bike too - when he gets his, we will be able to race up and down the 2nd ring road! (Just kidding) I follow all posted laws. Today was a deadline for a project I have been working on for the past two months, so, naturally, I worked late - I missed dinner with my friends. Oh well. That’s $10 I saved. Ok, that’s it…