
RMB 65 to fix the


RMB 65 to fix the bike. Boy does it run well now! :-) Thinking of going on a 4 day trip this holiday. There is a group of (mostly foreigners) in beijing who own the bikes that occasioanlly go on these trips. Here is the email: It’s been a while for a real road trip. Now the National Day Holiday is fast approaching which is almost the last big ride of the year due to weather conditions. So for those of you who are interested to take a ride to Weichang and see the foliage and the grasslands what I’m thinking is to leave the afternoon of 9/30 from Pinnacle Plaza around 3:00 PM and ride up to the Ming Style Motel at JingShanLing. (same as last year). Then on October 1st we’ll ride to Weichang passing by the Twin Towers. We’ll stay in the Weichang Guesthouse one night, see the Imperial Hunting Grounds the next morning, and then for those who have additional days off, can continue the ride and for those that have to work part of the holidays (myself) I’ll head back to Beijing on October 3rd. Sounds like fun, yes?