
Today, I went to the


Today, I went to the U.S. Consulate to get more pages put in my passport. This was a free service. It is rare to get something for free from the US Government. Of course, I did pay US$60 for the passport to begin with… It is soooooo humid here. It isn’t that hot, low 30’s (C), but the humidity is unbarable at times. I forgot how bad it gets here. That is one thing that is better about Beijing, it isn’t so humid. I will give the visa another try today. I was faxed a copy of the document I didn’t have - well, it should have been faxed to my hotel around 11am, I haven’t been there since this morning. The office opens at 2pm. If this doesn’t work, I will undoubtably need to extend my stay, which has advantages and disadvantages.